Do You Know Who Raises Your Pot Roast?

There was a time when I knew where the pot roast (or hamburger, or steak) came from: off the farm. Sometimes we named our beef, but most of the time we did not. Trust me, you really don’t want to make a pet out of your next meal. Now that I am twenty years-plus removed from DeLoach and Son Dairy Publix or Kroger, has been the name of our beef. Somehow this just did not seem responsible.

A couple of weeks ago, however, Amy and I met a farmer – Tinks (yes that is her real name) who has a beef farm in Washington. We are now buying our beef from her. I must tell you that it is not convenient and it is not cheaper. We do this for two reasons. First, because the beef is grass fed and therefore better for you. Secondly, we like the satisfaction in knowing that we are supporting a local farmer and by extension a local economy. For us it is a matter of stewardship; being responsible. It is a small step, but a good start.

Each of us must evaluate for ourselves how we are being responsible to the earth and people around us. Granted, we may not all go out and buy local beef, or poultry, or Emu (okay I just threw that one in), but we have a responsibility to taking care of all that has been entrusted to us. Stewardship includes what we eat, what we do, how we act, and how we relate.

We often hear the church speak of stewardship and too quickly assume it is a call for donations. Certainly stewardship does include how we handle and use our finances but it is more than just about money. It is about life and the call of God is to be faithful and trustworthy over all that that has been entrusted to us.

Yes, I fall miserably short, but thanks be to God for the grace extended: “With God all things are possible…” (Matthew 19:26).

It does matter where our pot roast comes from. And it matters how we treat the stranger/neighbor/friend. And, finally, it does matter how we live this one, unique, solitary life.

Grace to you,


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