How Did You Get Here?


Car? Bus? Cab? Horse? Train? Mule? How did you get here? Throughout my childhood until I was old enough to own my own car (a 1969 Mustang fastback, 3 speed, straight six – for those of you who are curious) I went to church in my daddy’s pick-up. On the dairy there was little need for a car, so our family of five (my daddy, sister, two younger brothers and myself) would squeeze into his ’73 Ford pick-up to go to church each Sunday. By the time we arrived in the parking lot we sort of looked like a “DeLoach explosion” once the doors of the truck flew open.

I have come a long way. Now I come to church in a 2005 MINI Cooper. Well, to be fair about this, Amy and the boys come later in station wagon. How do you get here?

The question isn’t just concerned with modes of transportation. It really doesn’t matter to me if you came in a station wagon, minivan, walked or rode a mule (although you have to be careful where you park a mule). To ask, “how did you get here” is really a spiritual question. Who were the ones in your life that taught you about faith, that loved like Jesus and inspired you to do the same?

In John’s Gospel we read of some Greeks that came to one of Jesus’ disciples and asked, “Sir, we wish to see Jesus.” (12:21) Philip and Andrew were asked to help the Greeks “get there.”

As a “City on a Hill” we have been entrusted to teach, share and be the presence of Christ that all might “see Jesus.” As we travel through Lent and prepare for Easter know that you are surrounded with those making the same request of those ancient Greeks. I ask you to be faithful in your attendance, in your participation and in your living as a traveler after Jesus.

How did you get here? How we answer that question is eternally significant. I am thankful my dad got me to where I am by a truck, by example, and by love.

Getting there with you, with grace and peace,


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