Thirtieth Day of Lent

The Macedonian Cross

This cross is also known as Veljusa Cross because it was first displayed in the Veljusa monastery near Strumica around 1085. The Macedonian Cross is mainly connected with the Christianity in Macedonia and is a symbol of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. In addition to being found on many churches in Macedonia, it is displayed on the coat of arms of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. The arms of the cross are budded and interlocking, representing the everlasting love of God and the center square can be understood as the four corners of the world.

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you:” (Jeremiah 31:3)

How long O Lord, how long will you love us? How long will you put up with our waywardness, our distractions, our failures? This we remember and for this we have hope: through the cross You have shown us an everlasting love. Though we falter and stumble, Your love for us does not. Amen.

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