Thirty-Seventh Day of Lent: Reflections of the Cross

The Cross Fitchy

The name fitchy comes from the French for “fixed” referring to the distinctive pointed lower limb. It is thought that this design was for use by travelling Crusaders who would drive the cross in the ground. Its shape resembles a sword, symbolic of the Crusaders willingness to use force in their cause.

“Then Jesus said to him, ‘Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.’” (Matthew 26:52)

May our hearts be set on You: to follow, to serve, to sacrifice. But let not our hearts stray that we see other means and other ways, thereby using the cross instead of serving the cross. Fix our eyes that we may see You in the last, the least and the lost. Fix our hearts that we may love You and love our neighbor. Amen.

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