Twenty-ninth Day of Lent: Reflections on the Cross

The Patriarchal Cross

The Patriarchal Cross is a variation of the Russian Cross and the Papal Cross. This cross symbol was seen in wide numbers throughout the Byzantine Empire by the tenth century. It was thought to have been given to St. Stephen by the pope as a symbol of the apostolic Kingdom in Hungary. The two barred cross is one of the main elements in the coats of arms of Kingdom of Hungary since 1190.

“But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Give of life, and Creator God who bestows on all Your Holy Image,
We are born seekers, not always sure what we are searching for but endlessly in pursuit just the same.
In our ambitions and pursuits, sharpen our quests that we may strive first for Your Kingdom, Your will, Your face, so that all other strivings may find their proper balance.

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